Accessing the ability to see the treasures of the present moment, we can reorient the past and create a better future that grounds us in the understanding that only now exists. This is the clarity we gain when using a holistic perspective of Astrology.

In my practice I synthesize Ancient, Evolutionary, & Medical Astrology, aiding in practical guidance that allows for cultivation & harmony of the physical-emotional-mental-spiritual unity.

By rooting into the present moment, we center all the celestial forces & our terrestrial resources in order to access more understanding, agency, & peace.

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Experience greater clarity & wellness in an Astrological & Herbal Consultation combined into one session

“Fitting into the harmony of Nature was the goal that fueled our Ancestors to map out the sky & stars, & investigate how the movements of celestial bodies & the Earth affect our daily lives.” -Neb NabaLamoussa Morodenibig


Understanding the language of nature to access our essential nature.

Astrology is a universal language that we can access insights into the “weather” of our physical, emotional, mental, and spiritual well being. By accessing the language of astrology, we gain access to wisdom that clarifies our interconnected relationship with life that we have lost in the current space and time. This can be our guiding light towards the wholeness that never has to be achieved, but simply realized.
